COLORS. dragging Sasha and Jason in a mission to perfection on the first day of a Chinese New Year holiday is probably the best decision i did after i swear i did my homework that both will not be physically and mentally affected once the session ends :) i previously had models escorted by friends/boyfriends during a shoot but this could be the first when she arrived with her parents which (honestly) leave me feeling adjective in the first place.spontaneity is the quality of being able to do something just because you feel like it at the moment, of trusting your instincts, of taking yourself by surprise and snatching from the clutches of your well-organized routine a bit of unscheduled pleasure.and both her parents proved this well when her mom excitingly blend in with us by snapping too, a few shots along the way and Roger, enjoying his book under the smiling sun, undisturbed. she wore an eye-catcher necklace that kicks me in my brain she had had from Bangkok a while ago. amazing. aaaaah, you're such a lucky girl! inspired by the infamous like a virgin kind by Madonna, i think we nailed it just right in colors.